

sorry for the bit of hiatus. I was in awesome California visiting a billion studios. I'll hopefully post some pictures up when I get them uploaded on my computer :-)

in the meanwhile this was my submission for the harry potter themed thing. It makes me giggle. The students would be me, Cara and Brent, even though he knows nothing really of Harry Potter, but it was really playing off of how simple the spells are and playing with the words a bit (wingardium leviosa for example...it was a feather...that levitated.) So the new Temple has to do with actual posting pin ups in a comic, that is flippin sweet!
Looks like I'll have to put my actual sequential game on :-). I can do things other then cartoony you know, I just like making people smile ^^. But a nice "that is flippin sweet!" would be good once and a while. I'll have to pull out all my old Gen 13 and Wild Cat stuff for reference. yayz.
Hopefully I'll find a GENSOMAN coloring tutorial to make it all the sweeter.

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