
Oh...my...God....their back :'-D

Disney Animation

Ok. I'm going to be as calm about this as possible. That site up there, has nothing to do with the ever....unhelpful Disney.com.
Rather, (OMG Pixar I love you) due to Disney Animation Studios getting their soul back from the Devil, they are once again focusing on the film aspects of things. I'm just going to say...that yes, I nearly had a heart attack while looking through the site. NOTE to my fellow student animators, READ their FAQ as if it were a animators bible, and not the production kind. They not only practically smack into what people want to see in portfolios and such, but also give you lovely tips of kindness, such as, "NO you don't need professional experience....if your good <:-D"
What does this mean?
Enough slacking around just drawing this and that! I got till Oct 20th to submit my stuff to Disney, and I'm actually going to do it this time. I'll get some rough animation (a scene or something) done in my Senior Project, layout some backgrounds and draw people and animals like crazy! Quick sketch that is. As Disney is coming back to life before my eyes I can't help but become overwhelmed with joy. For the longest I thought that Disney was gone, faded away into the shadows of Pixar and insults like that cursed yippy dog movie (Not Bolt...the..other one..I can't spell, you know, the dogs that kinda look like rats).
BUT LOW AND BEHOLD!! They cometh! they cometh back!! Hopefully...very strong. Unfortunately so much lies on the head of Princess and the Frog, as it already is filled with controversy (kinda ridiculous in my opinion, I'm happy they chose to have a black princess) I'm a little worried. But I shouldn't, Disney is, I'm sure, more then aware


On that note, I've pretty much decided I wanna be a storyboard artist. For sure. Quinn got me hooked on it and Nolan got me loving to present them :-3
I <3 my crazy professors!

2 set chat(s):

Unknown said...

O,o That would be an amazing opportunity!

*pokes Rads blog* Your getting blog rolled~!

Dianna B. said...

I'm totally linkin you Kazu lol